Member-only story
Guard Your Energy
Recalling from memory:
Person to a group of us: “How is the market nowadays?”
Group including myself: (can sense the negativity in his tone not words, and kept quiet)
Same person: “Market has been quiet nowadays…”
Me: (wanting to laugh inside as I could see it coming..)
Same person: (Big sigh)
Me: (noticing how everybody in the group ignored him and didn’t agree with him. I acknowledged how nobody wanted to be pulled to his level yet he tried to pull them to his level.)
How you say something says a lot about who you are and where in life you’re at. If you are thinking and feeling negative, take responsibility and do what it takes to elevate your energy.
I’m not saying all this as if I am better than any of you. I too am working on myself. I’ve found that movement (dance, exercise), alone time (coming back to myself), writing/ journaling (getting it out), and meditating (noticing/ acceptance) all helps.
You can sign up for my free series Clean & Clear for emotional releasing techniques here. May all be well.
About Dr. Martha Tara Lee
Surrounded by friends who were sexually inhibited and struck by dire lack of positive conversations around sex…